PATHU Program Serialization Display name : Serial number : F10=Save ESC=Exit 2************************************************** ************ FAMILY.EXEGYour serialization information could not be saved. There is probably aLproblem with the FAMILY.EXE or FAMILY.OVR file. Replace them and try again.IThe serialization information that you entered was not correct. You mustLenter the information EXACTLY as it appears from the author. The fields are case sensitive.+Thank you for registering Family Scrapbook.U " ; V ] U Program support Program features How to get started Double dates Place codes Reindexing the database Printing reports Notes feature Swapping to EMS/Disk Gedcom data I/O Printer driver database Registration form Helpful Info; =Scroll ENTER=Select ALT-X=DOS Shell ESC=Previous Menu REGISTER.FRM .HLPU ! Print One Person ! All Persons of the same Surname ! All Persons in Database Person Reports Menu; =Scroll ENTER=Select ALT-X=DOS Shell ESC=Previous MenuU " Print One Family " All Families of same Family Name " All Families in Database Family Reports Menu; =Scroll ENTER=Select ALT-X=DOS Shell ESC=Previous MenuU " Print One Family " All Families of same Family Name " All Families in Database Family Group Sheet Menu; =Scroll ENTER=Select ALT-X=DOS Shell ESC=Previous MenuU Person Inquiry Form Family Inquiry Form Family Group Sheet (page 1) Family Group Sheet (page 2) Relationship Chart Research Log Correspondence Log Census Check Summary Chart 1790 Census Research Form 1800/1810 Census Research Form 1820 Census Research Form 1830 Census Research Form 1840 Census Research Form 1850 Census Research Form 1860 Census Research Form 1870 Census Research Form 1880 Census Research Form Blank Charts/Forms Menu; =Scroll ENTER=Select ALT-X=DOS Shell ESC=Previous MenuU ! Persons by Record Number ! Persons by ID Number ! Persons by Last Name ! Persons by Birthdate ! Persons by Date Deceased ! Persons by Date Buried/Cremated ! Persons by Place Code ! Persons by Baptismal Date ! Persons by Christening Date ! Families by Record Number ! Families by Family Name ! Families by Marriage Date ! Families by Divorce Date Sorted Lists Menu; =Scroll ENTER=Select ALT-X=DOS Shell ESC=Previous MenuU Pedigree Chart Descendancy Chart Ahnentafel Chart Relationship Report Family Chart Reports Menu; =Scroll ENTER=Select ALT-X=DOS Shell ESC=Previous MenuU Surname Frequencies Database Statistics Family Name Frequencies Statistical Reports Menu; =Scroll ENTER=Select ALT-X=DOS Shell ESC=Previous MenuU Person Reports Menu Family Reports Menu Family Group Sheet Menu Sorted Lists Menu Charts/Forms Menu Blank Charts/Forms Menu Statistical Reports Menu Tiny Tafel Generator Reports Menu; =Scroll ENTER=Select ALT-X=DOS Shell ESC=Previous MenuU Reindex Database Program Setup Re-Create Data Files Soundex Code Finder Gedcom I/O Menu Utilities Menu; =Scroll ENTER=Select ALT-X=DOS Shell ESC=Previous MenuU The person database is where you enter, edit, and view data about your relatives. The family database is where you"record the relationships of people that are in the person database. This is where you chart it all out on your screen. Program setup and file maintenance. Information on how to get started. This is where you print it. Person Database Family Database Pedigree Search Reports Menu Utilities Menu Helpful Info Main MenuCF1=Help =Scroll ENTER=Select ALT-X=DOS Shell ESC=Exit Program@(C) Copyright 1990-1991 Christopher E. Long, All Rights Reserved Just a suggestion... H If this is your first time in Family Scrapbook, you should probablyFchoose the Helpful Info item from the menu. It contains excerpts fromAthe user's manual that will explain various parts of the program. Exit program now? (Y/N)U >hQYu "."B"V"j"~" #9#W#u# $:$F$U$ CRITICAL FATAL File not found Path not found Too many open files File access denied Bad file handle Bad file access code Bad drive number Can't remove current dir Can't rename across drives Disk read error Disk write error File not assigned File not open File not open for input File not open for output Bad numeric format Disk is write-protected Unknown diskette unit Drive not ready Unknown command CRC error in data"Bad drive request structure length Disk seek error Unknown diskette type Sector not found Printer out of paper Device write fault Device read fault Hardware failure Division by zero Range check Stack overflow Heap overflow Bad pointer operation Floating point overflow Floating point underflow Bad floating point operation ERROR: U * Runtime error # at location * * press a keyU " ; H M R c p Error! (Unable to display this selection because its file was not found on disk. Missing file: press any key [ End of section ]= PgUP PgDN Home End=Scroll F10=Print Section ESC=Exit Print Helpful Info Section Print in LQ/NLQ mode? U # Name DiedU # Name Born DiedU ESC=Exit%List All Persons by Record Number to !List All Persons by Last Name to !List All Persons by Birthdate to %List All Persons by Date Deceased to There are persons in this list. Press any key to exit.%Send report to (P)rinter or (S)creen? Print in LQ/NLQ mode? records sent to printer Done! - Press any key.U >hQPt >hQSt >hQPu U Unmarried &# Family name - Wife's maiden name Married Divorced KidsU I# Family name - Wife's maiden name Married Divorced KidsU U Unmarried List All Families by ESC=Exit Record Number to Family Name to Marriage Date to Divorce Date to There are families in this list. Press any key to exit.%Send report to (P)rinter or (S)creen? Print in LQ/NLQ mode? records sent to printer Done! - Press any key.U >hQPt >hQSt >hQPu # Name BaptisedU # Name BaptisedU Reading data... Sorting data...U records sent to printerU &List All Persons by Baptismal Date to ESC=Exit BAPT.DAT?There are no baptismal records on disk. Press any key to exit.%Send report to (P)rinter or (S)creen? Print in LQ/NLQ mode? Done! - Press any key.U >hQPt >hQSt >hQSu # Name ChristenedU # Name ChristenedU Reading data... Sorting data...U records sent to printerU (List All Persons by Christening Date to ESC=Exit CHRS.DATAThere are no christening records on disk. Press any key to exit.%Send report to (P)rinter or (S)creen? Print in LQ/NLQ mode? Done! - Press any key.U >hQPt >hQSt >hQSu # Name Buried/CrematedU # Name Born Buried/CrematedU ,List All Persons by Date Buried/Cremated to ESC=Exit There are persons in this list. Press any key to exit.%Send report to (P)rinter or (S)creen? Print in LQ/NLQ mode? records sent to printer Done! - Press any key.U >hQPt >hQSt >hQPu # Name Born ID NumberU # Name Born ID NumberU !List All Persons by ID Number to ESC=Exit There are persons in this list. Press any key to exit.%Send report to (P)rinter or (S)creen? Print in LQ/NLQ mode? records sent to printer Done! - Press any key.U >hQPt >hQSt >hQPu # NameU # NameU Reading data... SortU records sent to printerU "List All Persons by Place Code to ESC=ExithQBt >hQDt >hQCt hQhQPt >hQSt >hQPu = Q _ o } ' , ; H P X _ D!M!]!g!q! "!"'"M"R" #*#:#K#V#[#q#|# $)$G$e$~$ %!%+%?%O%f%z% % &%&C&0'9'I'S']' (+(I(T(Y(^(d( )))G)L)Q)])d)i)n) )$*.*3*8*B*G*Q*V*w*|* +(+2+@+J+r+ ,*,;,@,J,X,b,t, -/-4-X-]-{-].f.v. /!/5/:/X/v/ 0K0V0t0y0~0 1*1Q1[1`1e1o1t1~1 2!2+292C2\2z2 3)373A3U3e3|3 4+4>4M4b4r4b5 6#6=6B6z6 7)7R7W7 9):.:R:p:{: ;7;U;s; <'<,3>a>f> Key Definitions ENTER = Get record number's data. Search windows: = Search by record number. = Search by family name. = Search by marriage date. = Search by divorce date. F10 PgUP PgDN = Browse database, record"by record. In the order of family record number. ALT-B = Goes back to previous family#after changing families with F6-F9. ALT-D = Erase record number field. ALT-N = View/edit family's notes. ALT-R = Reindex database. If a "R"!appears in the lower right of the#screen, it's a reminder to do this. ALT-X = Drop to DOS shell.& Enter command or press ESC to return What is it? = Print family report.9 A family report resembles the Family Database screen. = Print family group sheet.L A family group sheet is 1 to 3 pages long. It gives a good overall viewFof a family because it includes information such as the parents of the.husband and wife and the spouse of each child. = Print family chart.L A family chart is a one page visual representation of a family. It usesKboxes and lines to show the relationships between the people in the family.U Select FamilyFF1=Help F6 F7 F8 F9=Search Window F10=Print ALT-R=Reindex ESC=Exit - K o - U Divorced Divorced on Married on S Unmarried Couple Married on No Children 1 Child ChildrenU of the familyU of the familyU Print Family Chart to ESC=Exit)Use birth names or current names? (B/C) Print in LQ/NLQ mode? FAMILY CHARTU >hQBt >hQCt >hQCu $ < l 7 M R h m !H!M!t! "C"a" #0#W#u# $@$^$ %V%l%q% &?&]& ','S'q' '"(@(g( )$)))P)n) *f*|* +(+O+m+ ,<,c, -2-P-w- .F.d. /&/;/@/b/w/|/ 0.0C0H0f0{0 1)1P1n1 272L2Q2i2 3"373<3Q3V3w3 4&4;4@4b4w4|4 5.5C5H5 6$6B6G6R6W6]6 7 7%707;7C7S7k7p7x7 8&8+848I8N8X8]8e8m8u8}8U Key Definitions ENTER = Get record number's data. Search windows: = Search by ID number. = Search by record number. = Search by last name. = Search by birthdate. = Search by date deceased. F10 PgUP PgDN = Browse database. ALT-B = Goes back to previous person!after ALT-F ALT-I ALT-M or ALT-S. ALT-D = Erase record number field. ALT-F = Goto person's Father. ALT-I = Show/goto siblings. ALT-M = Goto person's Mother. ALT-N = View/edit person's notes. ALT-R = Reindex database. If a "R"!appears in the lower right of the#screen, it's a reminder to do this. ALT-S = Show/goto person's spouses. ALT-X = Drop to DOS shell.& Enter command or press ESC to return What is it? = Print person report.K A person report resembles the Person Database screen, but also includesJinformation about all spouses and other existing info like baptismal info,6christening info, name changes, immigration info, etc. = Print ahnentafel chart.L An ahnentafel chart lists a person's blood ancestors. Specifically, theHperson's parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc. Each person isLassigned a unique number in the chart. The person that the chart applies toBwill be #1, his/her father #2, mother #3, father's father #4, etc. = Print descendancy chart.I A descendancy chart lists all of a person's descendants. For ease ofGreading, each new generation is indented and each entry begins with theFnumber of the generation that the person is from in the chart. FamilyDScrapbook is capable of printing charts that go 25 generations deep. = Print relationship report.H A relationship report lists all of an individual's relatives. It isLgrouped by what the relationship is, such as grandparents, uncles/aunts, 1stGcousins, 3rd cousins twice removed, etc. Also, it states if the personJmarried into the family and on which side of the family he or she is from.U Select PersonJF1=Help F5 F6 F7 F8 F9=Search Windows F10=Print ALT-R=Reindex ESC=Exit (Person Report) (Ahnentafel Chart) (Descendancy Chart) (Relationship Report) 1 O m First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth CousinsU Twice Three Times Four Times Five Times Six Times Times RemovedU Great U Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great Grandparents Great Great Great Grandparents Uncles and Aunts Granduncles and Grandaunts Great Granduncles and Grandaunts&Great Great Granduncles and Grandaunts,Great Great Great Granduncles and GrandauntsU Brothers and Sisters Nephews and Nieces Grandnephews and Grandnieces$Great - Grandnephews and Grandnieces*Great Great - Grandnephews and Grandnieces0Great Great Great - Grandnephews and Grandnieces&4 Great - Grandnephews and Grandnieces&5 Great - Grandnephews and Grandnieces&6 Great - Grandnephews and Grandnieces - on your Father's side - on your Mother's side , by marriageU FS1.TMP FS2.TMPU Spouses Children Grandchildren Great Grandchildren Great Great Grandchildren Great Great Great Grandchildren Great Grandchildren , by marriageU FS1.TMP FS2.TMPU Print Relationship Report to )Use birth names or current names? (B/C) Print record numbers? Print in LQ/NLQ mode? Searching data... RELATIONSHIP REPORT for FS1.TMP FS2.TMP Sorting records... Done! - Press any key.U >hQBt >hQCt >hQCu 0 K f !Generation - Name - Record numberU ???U >,.,. H Z g l (Confirmed) (Unconfirmed) (See Notes) About Before After U ZhQBt >hQCt >hQCu (All Families of the same Family Name to ESC=Exit FNAME.NDXIThere is no information in the family name index. Press any key to exit.KThis routine requires that there be at least two entries in the family name@index. Use the Print One Family option. Press any key to exit.%If you want to print one family name,+highlight the one you want and press ENTER.)If you want to print more than one family*name, use the spacebar to tag the ones you want and press the F10 key.)To jump to a name, press the first letter of it's spelling.$Scroll = PgUP PgDN Home End Tag/Untag = Spacebar"Enter = Print one family name.*F10 = Print all tagged family names.U Print Family Group Sheet to )Use birth names or current names? (B/C) (notes must be in ASCII text) Print notes? Print in LQ/NLQ mode? Done! - Press any key.U >hQBt >hQCt >hQCu Report All Families to F10=Print ESC=ExitLThis option will print a Family Group Sheet for each family in the database.=These reports range from one to three pages apiece in length."Press F10 to begin or ESC to exit.)Use birth names or current names? (B/C) (notes must be in ASCII text) Print notes? Print in LQ/NLQ mode? records sent to printer Done! - Press any key.U >hQBt >hQCt >hQCu 2 < F P b g u ( F d i !1!6!F!P!Z! "D"\"y"~" %%%*%{% &]&u& '%'.'q'{' Born : Died :U WORKING Key Definitions ENTER = Get record number's data. Search windows: = Search by ID number. = Search by record number. = Search by last name. = Search by birthdate. = Search by date deceased. = Print pedigree chart. PgUP PgDN = Browse database. ALT-B = Goes back to previous person!after ALT-F ALT-I ALT-M or ALT-S. ALT-D = Erase record number field. ALT-F = Goto person's Father. ALT-I = Show/goto siblings. ALT-M = Goto person's Mother. ALT-N = View/edit person's notes. ALT-R = Reindex database. If a "R"!appears in the lower right of the#screen, it's a reminder to do this. ALT-S = Show/goto person's spouses. ALT-X = Drop to DOS shell.& Enter command or press ESC to return U What is it? J A pedigree chart displays a person's blood ancestors in a tree format.JSpecifically, the person's parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc.IAll other relatives are excluded. The program can display a 4 generationIchart on the screen. You can print out 4, 5, 6, and 7 generation charts.U Pedigree Report Pedigree Search F1=Help F10=Print ESC=Exit Father : Mother : Record # Please register this program FS.TMPU Print Pedigree Chart to F10=Print Chart ESC=AbortKPrint how many generations? (4/5/6/7) Enter chart settings and press=Print empty boxes? (Y/N) F10 to continue.'Number each box? (Ahnentafel #) (Y/N)'Include record numbers? (Y/N)'Print birth or current names? (B/C)'Print in LQ/NLQ mode? (Y/N) Retrieving data... Done! - Press any key.U - Record U PEDIGREE CHART Chart #________=Box #________ is the same as box #________ on chart #________ Born: Died: >5+@s 2 7 O d s x " 1 6 ; R a f u z !(!7!&C&m&|& '$')'.'I'Y'{' (/(Q(V(k(p( ))).)=)B)Q)V)[)v) *'*,*1*L*\*~* +3+B+G+V+[+j+o+~+ ,,,1,@,E,T,Y,^,y, -+-0-?-D-I-`-o-t- .!.6.E.J.Y.^.m.r. .!/0/5/D/I/X/]/l/q/v/ 0/040I0N0c0r0w0 1$1N1]1b1q1v1 2*2:2\2a2v2{2 32373L3Q3{3 4#42474<4W4g4 5-5=5_5d5y5~5 6#6(676<6K6P6_6d6i6 7!7&757:7?7Z7j7 8 8%8*8A8P8U8d8i8x8}8 9&9+9:9?9N9S9b9g9l9 :%:*:9:>:M:R:W:n:}: ;*;/;D;S;X;g;l;{; ->2>\>k>p> ?8?H?j?o? @@@E@Z@_@ A,A1A@AEAJAYAeA B:BIBNBSBhBmB C#CECTCYC^CsCxC D:DIDND]DbDgD~D E%E*E9E>ECE^E F!F0F5FDFIFNFiF G=GLGQGVG H.H=HBHGH\HkHpH H#I2I7IFIKIPIgIvI{I J(J-JZCZHZ]ZbZwZ Z$[3[8[G[L[Q[h[w[|[ \#\(\-\H\j\y\~\ ].]3]8]S]u] ^'^6^;^@^j^y^~^ _'_,_1_F_U_Z_i_n_s_ `!`0`5`:`Q```e`t`y`~` a&a+a0aKama|a b!bnCnHncn o o/o4o9oTovo p"p'p+C+[+p+ ,0,5,M,w, -9-I-Y-{- .+.;.K.m.r. / /%/-/B/Q/V/[/v/ 0!0&050:0?0Z0j0z0 1.13181O1^1c1r1w1 232B2G2V2[2j2o2~2 3,3;3@3O3T3c3h3w3|3 4(4J4O4g4|4 5.535K5u5 6,61666Q6a6q6 757E7U7w7|7 8*898>8M8R8a8f8u8z8 9"91969E9J9Y9^9c9~9 :*:/:>:C:R:W:\:s: ;%;*;B;W;f;k;z; <& >0>R>W>o> ?(?-?@Y@i@y@ A-A2A7ANA]AbAqAvA B-B2BABFBUBZB_BzB C&C+C0CGCVC[CjCoC~C D&D+D:D?DNDSDXDsD E$E)E@EOETEcEhEwE|E F$F3F8FGFLFQFlF|F G"G9GHGMG\GaGpGuG H,H1H@HEHJHeHuH I2IAIFIUIZIiInI}I J%J*J9J>JCJ^JnJ K+K:K?KNKSKbKgKvK{K L#L2L7LQMQRQaQfQkQ R"R'RBRRRtRyR S#S2S7SFSKSZS_SdS T T;TKTmTrT U+U0U?UDUSUXU]UxU V4VDVfVkV W$W)W8W=WLWQWVWqW X-X=X_XdX Y"Y1Y6YEYJYOYjYzY Z&Z6ZXZ]Z [*[/[>[C[H[c[s[ \/\Q\V\ ]#](]7]<]A]\]l] ^(^J^O^y^ _!_0_5_:_U_e_ `!`C`H`r` a)a.a3a=aBaSaXabaga U PEDIGREE CHART Chart #_______ Box #______ is the same as box #______ on chart #______ Born: Died: - - Record U $ F K m r ' , 1 L \ l !0!@!P!r!w! "%"4"9"H"M"\"a"p"u"z" #,#1#6#Q#a# $-$2$A$F$U$Z$i$n$s$ %%%*%/%J%Z%|% &&&+&:&?&N&S&b&g&l& '#'('C'S'u'z' ($(3(8(G(L([(`(e( )!)<)L)n)s) *,*1*@*E*T*Y*^*y* +5+E+g+l+ ,%,*,9,>,M,R,W,r, -.->-`-e- .#.2.7.F.K.P.k.{. /'/7/Y/^/ 0+000?0D0I0d0t0 1 101R1W1 2$2)282=2B2L2Q2b2g2q2v2 3#3+3 U PEDIGREE CHART Chart #_____4Box #_____ is the same as box #_____ on chart #_____ Born: Died: - Record U = L T e u ! ) U Error! 'This database is full. No more records#can be added to it. Press any key.U Notes are on disk. No notes on disk. U 12345678 ::::::::U 1111111 90123456 ::::::::U F1=Key Definitions Date Codes * = Confirmed ? = Unconfirmed ! = See Notes A = About B = Before F = Following U = Unmarried Family Record Number Every family is given a unique record number. The program will automatically assign it, and it can not be changed by the user. If you enter the number of an!existing record, the program will retrieve it's data. Key Definitions = Add a new family to database. = Clear all fields. = Delete family on the screen. F6!= Search window. Denoted by " ".$Shows a scrolling window of records. F7#= Search for family by family name. = Edit person's data. F9!= Add Person...Goes to the Person%Database so you can add a new person. F10 = Save the record on the screen. PgUP PgDN = Browse through records in the order of record number. ENTER = Get record number's data. = Move between fields. ALT-B = Goes back to previous family$after pressing ALT-F ALT-M F6 or F7. ALT-C = Foreign characters list. ALT-D = Erase current field. ALT-F = Goto family where spouse was a child. ALT-M = Goto person's marriage. A "+" between a spouse's name and#birthdate means that the spouse has other marriages. ALT-N = View/edit family's notes. ALT-R = Reindex database. If a "R"!appears in the lower right of the#screen, it's a reminder to do this. ALT-T = Toggle between the first 8 and last 8 children. ALT-X = Drop to DOS shell.& Enter command or press ESC to return Spouse Record Number Enter the record number of the!spouse. The program will get the information for you. If you do!not know the record number, press!F6 for a list of persons. If the"person is not yet in the database, press F9 to add him or her. Date Fields &Dates should be entered in the format:(Day-Month-Year/Year. The month should be'entered as a three letter abbreviation.%The second year is used when you must#record a dual date, which were used&around 1752 because of the change from$the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. Divorce Date Field %If anything is entered in this field,'the program will assume that the people(are divorced. If you know that they are&divorced but you do not know the date,&enter the letter Y in the first space. Child Record Number child. The program will get the press F9 to add him or her. If you wish to edit the information for the person, press F8.U >hQYt Husband's Spouses Wife's Spouses Child's Spouse(s) Error $No spouses and/or unmarried partners(have been entered in the family database for this person. press any key 1234567 Married Divorced Fam #; =Scroll ENTER=Select ALT-C Change Order ESC=ExitU "RECORD DELETED - REINDEX TO REMOVEU >hQYt Family DatabaseJF1=Help F3=Add Fam F6=Search F8=Edit F9=Add Person F10=Save ESC=Exit Family record number : Born: Died: Married? : Code: Marriage Place Divorced?: CHILDREN :'Press ALT-T to toggle children display. Use format: DD-MMM-YYYY/YYYY Press F1 to view/select codes **-!@@-####/#### **************************U D h m u !+!O!s! "'","4" #2#V#z# $.$R$v$ %;%]% &5&Y&}& '^(~( *=*N* *#+G+k+ ,;-K-P-a- .@.c/k/ 020P0n0 1;1Y1w1 1?2q2 4-5O5_5u5 6 7"7Y7d7 9$999c9 9-:Q:u: ;U;Z;`;h;{; <&<8hQYt Notes are on disk. No notes on disk. U (later changed)U FatherU MotherU (Divorced) (not married) Spouse Married 1 time. times. Never married. unmarried partner(s)U F1=Key Definitions Date Codes * = Confirmed ? = Unconfirmed ! = See Notes A = About B = Before F = Following Key Definitions = Add a new person to database. = Clear all fields. = Delete person on the screen. F6!= Search window. Denoted by " F10 = Save the record on the screen. PgUP PgDN = Browse records by record$number. If in surname field, browse$is done in name order. Browse fields are denoted by " ENTER = Get record number's data. = Move between fields. ALT-A = Macro window. View/select$from the stored macros. Goto window%and press F1 for more info on macros. ALT-B = Goes back to previous person"after jumping to another record by$using ALT-F ALT-I ALT-M ALT-S or F6. ALT-C = Foreign characters list. ALT-D = Erase current field. ALT-F = Goto person's Father. ALT-G = Get field from last record. ALT-I = Show/goto siblings. ALT-M = Goto person's Mother. ALT-N = View/edit person's notes. ALT-O = Other Information menu.!View/edit baptismal, christening, census, last known address, name"change, immigration, and passenger list info. ALT-R = Reindex database. If a "R"!appears in the lower right of the#screen, it's a reminder to do this. ALT-S = Show/goto person's spouses. ALT-T = Timeline. ALT-X = Drop to DOS shell.& Enter command or press ESC to return !The Tiny Tafel Generator uses the!place codes to find birth places. Place Codes $Place codes are used by some reports for sorting and finding data. T = Town/City C = County/Parish S = State/Province N = Nation/Country Record Number Every person is given a unique record number. The program will automatically assign it, and it can not be changed by the user. If you enter the number of an!existing record, the program will retrieve it's data. Macros 8The macro function is intended to reduce typing. A field9can be assigned to each function key (F1 - F10) and later1recalled into another field in any person record.:Storing a macro: Put cursor in the field that you want to:store and press CTRL and the Function Key than you want to assign to field to.9Recalling a macro: Put cursor in the field that you want9to recall to and press ALT and the Function Key where the macro is stored. Press any key to go back. Generation 'This field is for a person's generation&designator. Ex: Jr. Sr. III, IV, etc. ID Number You can use this field to assign your own identification number. Numbers and letters can be used, and the field is indexed and has it's own pop-up search window. Date Fields &Dates should be entered in the format:(Day-Month-Year/Year. The month should be'entered as a three letter abbreviation.%The second year is used when you must#record a dual date, which were used&around 1752 because of the change from$the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. Surname While the cursor is in this field, the PgUP and PgDN keys will step through the database in the order of last names. Sex If you enter a M here and press F6, you will get a list of males sorted by name. If you enter a F and then press F6, it will be a list of females. Note: The!database must be properly indexed for F6 (search) to work.U FFFFFFFFFF 1234567891 Macros F1=Help ENTER=Select =Scroll ESC=ExitU JThe person must exist on disk before Other Info can be added. Save? (Y/N) press any key Error !There is not enough chronological"information available to construct a timeline for this person. You may not delete persons when you are temporarily out of the family database. >hQYu Person Database Person record number: Last : First: Mid 1: Mid 2: Title/Nickname: DEATH Code: Place ::::: Sex: (M/F) ID #: BIRTH Buried/Cremated?: (B/C) Use format: DD-MMM-YYYY/YYYY Press F1 to view/select codes F$(temporarily out of family database)GF1=Help F10=Save and Return Alt-O=Other Info Menu ESC=Abort Add/Edit@F1=Help F3=Add Person F5=Delete F6=Search F10=Save ESC=Exit ********** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************** **-!@@-####/#### ************************** *****U >dQ(u J T Y 2 7 ? L Q !7![!{! ! "-"Q"t" #!#V#q# $-$G$a${$ %9%]% %I&g& '9'W'u' (?(c(h(p( )))M)q) *>*`* +8+\+ + ,),K,o, -;-[-}- .1.U.Z.b. /)/C/]/w/ 0-0G0a0z0 1 1;1V1q1 2.2I2d2 4#4A4_4z4 686W6v6 707O7n7 7 8(8G8f8 9 9?9^9}9 :7:V:t: ;*;=;P;c;v; ;$J|J K,L_NkN{N O,OJOhO P:PXPvP Q%QCQaQ R.RLRjRrRzR S0SJSdS~S T4TNThT U8URUlU V"VhQYt Error! 'This database is full. No more records#can be added to it. Press any key.U Delete information? (Y/N)U Date Codes * = Confirmed ? = Unconfirmed ! = See Notes A = About B = Before F = Following Delete information? (Y/N)#Information deleted, press any key.!Information saved, press any key.U >hQYt Date : Code : Place : Note :-F5=Delete F10=Save ALT-C=Fr Chars ESC=Exit Press F1 to view/select codes **-!@@-####/#### ! ********************************U BAPT.DAT Baptismal Information U Delete information? (Y/N)#Information deleted, press any key.!Information saved, press any key.U >hQYt CHRS.DAT Christening Information U Delete information? (Y/N)#Information deleted, press any key.!Information saved, press any key.U >hQYt CENS.DAT Census Information Year Area of residence5F5=Delete F10=Save ALT-C=Foreign Chars ESC=Exit ####2**************************************************U Delete information? (Y/N)#Information deleted, press any key.!Information saved, press any key.U >hQYt ADDR.DAT Last Known Address Address: Phone :-F5=Delete F10=Save ALT-C=Fr Chars ESC=Exit ******************************** *****************U Delete information? (Y/N)#Information deleted, press any key.!Information saved, press any key.U >hQYt NAMECH.DAT Name Change Information Old name : Date : Code : New name Last : First : Mid1 : Mid2 : Note :-F5=Delete F10=Save ALT-C=Fr Chars ESC=Exit **-!@@-####/#### !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************** ********************************U Delete information? (Y/N)#Information deleted, press any key.!Information saved, press any key.U >hQYt IMMI.DAT Immigration Information Arrived on : Code : From Country : Made Citizen : Note :-F5=Delete F10=Save ALT-C=Fr Chars ESC=Exit **-!@@-####/#### **************************U Delete information? (Y/N)#Information deleted, press any key.!Information saved, press any key.U >hQYt LIST.DAT Passenger List Information Name of Vessel : Code : Port of Embarkation : Date of Embarkation : Port of Arrival : Date of Arrival : Note :5F5=Delete F10=Save ALT-C=Foreign Chars ESC=Exit ******************************** **-!@@-####/#### Other Info Menu Baptismal Information Christening Information Census Information Last Known Address Name Change Information Immigration Information Passenger List Info U 9 [ u 6 ; C ] w !6!J!e!{! #%#=#Z# %$%)%:%L%d%i% &+&I&g& '2'L'f' (!('(7(<(A( (J)p) )2*J*g* , ,P,~, -0-N-l- .!.;.U.o. /(/

Type the name of the tiny tafel file to create and press ENTER (TT extension assumed)4Press F10 to send tiny tafel to the printer instead.-F10=Print instead of creating file ESC=Exit2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! already exists. Overwrite it? (Y/N)U >hQYt SUBMITTER INFORMATION Name : Address : Phone : Note : (Mandatory)6Press F10 when you are done entering this information. ******************************** *****************B****************************************************************** Name is mandatory.U Dec U Tiny Tafel Generator F10=Create Tafel ESC=ExitCA Tiny Tafel can be used to summarize the family lines that you areIresearching. They are also used by the Tafel Matching System to find out'who else is researching the same lines. NAME.NDXFThere are no names in the surname index file. A tiny tafel can not beJcreated without the use of this file. Either you have not yet entered any=surnames yet, or you need to reindex. Press any key to exit.!Press F10 to create a tiny tafel. Sending output to Print in LQ/NLQ mode? HThe Tafel Matching System will reject any tiny tafel that is missing any dates on any surname line.2Exclude surnames that have no chronological data? 1Would you like to edit the interest codes? (Y/N) Key Definitions:* 0 = No interest.........code = (blank)" 1 = Low interest........code = ." 2 = Moderate interest...code = :" 3 = High interest.......code = *)DEL = Delete current line from Tiny Tafel ESC = Stop all editing F Family Scrapbook v1.06 FS.TMP W )The tiny tafel that you created is named IIf you intend to submit this tiny tafel to the Tafel Matching System, youDshould first edit it with a text editor to make sure that it has allFnecessary information. TMS will reject any tiny tafel that is missing any date or place information. Done! - Press any key.U $ 2 < g q v 8 V t !&!0!E! "'"5"]"g"l" #0#B#W#l#{# $"$@$^$|$ $%Send report to (P)rinter or (S)creen? Print in LQ/NLQ mode? U >hQPt >hQSt >hQPu U Surname Persons Males Females Birth Range Death RangeU LSurname Persons % Males Females Birth Range Death RangeU Surname Frequencies to ESC=Exit5The Last Name index is empty. Press any key to exit. Done! - Press any key.U Database Statistics to Reading...5There are no records on disk. Press any key to exit. Database StatisticsCDatabase Files: Records Deleted Disk Space Filename Configuration CONFIG.DAT Family FAMILY.DAT Person PERSON.DAT Macro MACRO.DAT Baptism BAPT.DAT Christening CHRS.DAT Census CENS.DAT Last Known Address ADDR.DAT Name Change NAMECH.DAT Immigration IMMI.DAT Passenger List LIST.DAT Printer Drivers PRINTER.DAT8Index Files: Entries Disk Space Filename Family Record Number FNUM.NDX Family Name FNAME.NDX Marriage Date MARRIAGE.NDX Divorce Date DIVORCED.NDX Person Record Number PNUM.NDX ID Number ID.NDX Surname NAME.NDX Males Surname MALES.NDX Females Surname FEMALES.NDX Birthdate BDAY.NDX Date Deceased DECEASED.NDX Date Buried/Cremated BUR_CRE.NDX*Notes: Files Disk Space F*.NOT P*.NOT Other: Printer driver on ASCII.TXT Notes editor Path to person note files Path to family note files Path to data and index files Available space on data drive Done! - Press any key.U % Family Name Families Marriage Range Divor KidsU BFamily Name Families % Marriage Range Divor KidsU Family Name Frequencies to ESC=Exit7The Family Name index is empty. Press any key to exit. Done! - Press any key.U - 2 \ f t y !L!Q!o! " "*"/"O"m" #<#F#d# $$$Q$V$ $"%,%J%h% &7&<&f&p& '0'N'{' ("(L(V(t( )4)a)f) *2*<*Z*x* * +1+6+[+`+~+ ,*,/,M,f, -(-F-d- .).M.W.\.z. /B/G/k/ 0$03080=0F0X0]0g0l0q0y0 1/1:1?1I1W1o1 2"242>2L2\2f2t2 3)333r3 4&4?4 5-5U5 6?6D6p6{6 6C7L7\7f7p7 7E8P8n8s8x8 9 929:9[9`9i9 9#:V:h:p: Soundex Code Finder ALT-D=Clear name field ESC=ExitLThe soundex system is a method of representing names based on how they soundJrather than spelling. In the 1930's, the soundex system was used to indexJprevious U.S. censuses. A soundex code is four characters long. Each oneJbegins with a letter followed by three numbers. The letter in the code isIthe first letter of the person's name. The numbers are assigned based on5the remaining letters in the person's name like this:)Letters A,E,H,I,O,U,W, and Y aren't used.'Side by side letters that have the same)value are only coded one time. If all of(the letters in the name were used before)three numbers are found, zeros are added. 1 = B,F,P,V 2 = C,G,J,K,Q,S,X,Z 3 = D,T 4 = L 5 = M,N 6 = R Enter the name to convert : ***************** The Soundex code for is U Printer Drivers Select the printer that you are using. If your printer is not in the list, choose the one that your printer emulates or most resembles. You might want to refer to the manual that came with your printer. Note: Any type in parenthesis refers to the LQ font that the printer will use or the emulation that it will use. Printer Port :Enter the number of the parallel port that your printer is>attached to. For example, if the port is LPT1: then enter the;number 1. If it is LPT2: then enter a 2. If you enter the7number 0, output will be sent to a file named ASCII.TXT Capitalize Surnames uppercase. This helps them stand out on reports. If you want,>you can have the program automatically force the surname field$in the Person Database to uppercase. Swap to EMS/Disk ;The DOS shell, Gedcom, Reindex, and Notes functions involve=leaving Family Scrapbook to run an external program. If Swap;is turned off, Family Scrapbook will remain in memory while9the other routine is running. It will keep about 250K of9memory tied up. With Swap turned on, Family Scrapbook is6moved out of base memory to either EMS or a disk file. Swap Drive ;If EMS is not available, swapping is done to disk. In this>case, memory contents are written to a file. The file will be>about 280K in size. You can specify what drive to use to make;this file. Enter the letter of the drive that you want the program to use. Notes Editor ?Family Scrapbook allows you to keep notes about your relatives.;To do this, you must define the editor that you will use to=view and edit the notes. An editor is not included with thisso that it does not have to be retyped each time you use those features. Default Place Codes 4Some people prefer to always write a particular type4of place on a certain line in the Person Database...4such as always putting the county where a person was3born on line one. If you wish, you can define some2default codes that will be automatically displayed3for you when you press F3 to add a record. If this4is confusing, just leave it blank until you are more familiar with the program.U Program SetupAF1=Help =Change fields ALT-X=DOS Shell ESC=Exit setup screen Setup Help > If you need help with any of the selections in the program?setup area, put the cursor in the field that you want help with>and then press the F1 key. The F1 key is called the Help Key,>and it works the same way in the other areas of the program as it does here in the setup area. press any key Parallel Printer port: Printer driver number: Capitalize surnames? Y/N Swap to EMS/disk during: DOS shell: Y/N Gedcom I/O: Y/N Reindex: Y/N Note editing: Y/N Swap drive: Default submitter info Name: Address: Phone: Path to files Notes editor: Person notes: Family notes::Default place codes: Birth Death Cremation/Burial 1: 1: 1: 2: 2: 2: 3: 3: 3: 4: 4: 4: T = Town/City C = County/Parish S = State/Province N = Nation/Country Press F1 for a list ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ******************************** ***************** 3!F!K!p! "$"?"D"L"j" #<#Z#x# # $'$E$c$|$ %0%N%l% &.&H&b&|& '2'L'f' (6(P(j( )+)?)S)g){) */*C*W*k* +0+:+L+V+d+~+ <<< Executing >>>hQYt Goto DOS shell? (Y/N)U REINDEX Reindex database now? (Y/N) <<< Re-opening files >>> FSGED <<< Re-opening files >>>U 0No editor has been defined in the Setup Utility! FAMILY.DAT PERSON.DAT MACRO.DAT PNUM.NDX NAME.NDX BDAY.NDX DECEASED.NDX BUR_CRE.NDX ID.NDX MALES.NDX FEMALES.NDX FNAME.NDX MARRIAGE.NDX DIVORCED.NDX FNUM.NDX BAPT.DAT CHRS.DAT CENS.DAT ADDR.DAT NAMECH.DAT IMMI.DAT LIST.DAT HOTKEY.DATU ADDR.DAT IMMI.DAT CHRS.DAT CENS.DAT BAPT.DAT NAMECH.DAT LIST.DAT DECEASED.NDX ID.NDX BUR_CRE.NDX MALES.NDX FEMALES.NDX DIVORCED.NDXU Re-Create Data Files W A R N I N G.This option WILL overwrite ALL database files..It should only be run if you wish to erase ALL$data and start with a "clean slate".(Press Y to create files or ESC to abort. ESC2The configuration file (CONFIG.DAT) was not found.1Either you are running this program for the first.time, or there is a problem... Do you wish to2create a new set of EMPTY data files? (Note: Any2existing data WILL be erased. Answer Y if you are!running this for the first time.) PNUM.NDX NAME.NDX BDAY.NDX MALES.NDX FEMALES.NDX DECEASED.NDX BUR_CRE.NDX ID.NDX FNUM.NDX FNAME.NDX MARRIAGE.NDX DIVORCED.NDX BAPT.DAT CHRS.DAT CENS.DAT ADDR.DAT NAMECH.DAT IMMI.DAT LIST.DAT Old index files deleted... New data files created... Delete person note files? P*.NOT Delete family note files? F*.NOT#Data files created! Press any Key.U >hQYt >hQYt >hQYt v1.06 SCRAPBOOKEWelcome to Family Scrapbook! This is a shareware program. It is NOTFpublic domain and it is NOT free. You may copy and trade this programFwith others. If after trying the program you decide to continue usingGit, you must register it. Registration is only $40+postage (US money).EWhen you register, you will be sent the latest version on diskette, aFprinted manual, and your own serialization information that will allow0you to disable this "beg" screen and the delays. I receive compensation for my work ONLY when you register with me. Christopher E Long 632 Camelia Street Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Registered to: Serial number: #Thank you for supporting shareware! <<< LOADING >>>U PNUM.NDX NAME.NDX BDAY.NDX FNAME.NDX MARRIAGE.NDX FNUM.NDXU CONFIG.DAT C6Do you wish to create a new configuration file (Y/N)? Program aborted by user. PERSON.DAT FAMILY.DAT MACRO.DAT HOTKEY.DATU >hQYt/ SCRAPBOOK <<< SHAREWARE DELAY >>> <<< Press any key to begin >>> Welcome! < Since this program is being run for the first time, you=will first be taken to the Program Setup screen. The program